How can we help?

If you are having an issue with a product, or are just curious regarding one of our services, you can find all the help you need here. Make sure to check the FAQ section before submitting any enquiries.

Technical Support

Having an issue with one of our products or services? Please report it using the link below and we will be in touch as sooon as possible.

General Inquiry

If you'd like to give feedback, ask a question, or are interested in one or more of our services, get in touch using the link below.

Media Inquiries

If you have any questions, opportunities or requests that relate to publications, please get in contact with us through our media inquiry form.

Frequestly Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

APPSTRM is predominantly a software company that specialises in delivering impeccable websites and mobile applications. Having said this, a vast majority of the team have strong backgrounds in engineering and product design. We therefore welcome all sorts of multi-disciplinary projects, especially if they contain a software component. To find out more about the services we offer, take a look at our services page.

How can I get a quote for a project?

To attain a quote for one or more of our services, simply get in touch via our contact form, or email us directly at From here, we can arrange a time to meet (likely via video call!) and discuss the project features in more depth. Once we are happy with our understanding of the project, we will send you a quote. We try to reply to all business requests within 3 working days.

How much will my project cost?

APPSTRM does not believe in purely time-based compensation. Instead, our fees entirely depend on the size, timescale and features associated with your project. The more complicated the project, the larger the fee. Our engineers will be happy to guide you through the costs of specific features/services to find out what will work best for you.

What happens once I get a quote?

If you choose to continue with us after receiving a quote, we will send over contract(s) detailing the agreed services and features. Once both parties are happy with the contents of these documents, work can begin immediately on your project. We will then keep in touch at regular intervals to ensure any work is completed to specification.

How will my project be delivered?

Agile software delivery is at the heart of everything we do at APPSTRM. Software is therefore delivered in an incremental nature, and is regularly updated until a feature is agreed to be completed. Generally, software will go through 4 milestone processes:

  1. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  2. Alpha
  3. Beta
  4. First Release (v1.0)

Will APPSTRM help me market my product?

APPSTRM will happily help to market any product or business. It should be noted that, in most cases, marketing is seen as its own, independant service and will therefore have its own fees. You can find out more regarding our skills in marketing here.

How and when do I pay for services?

At APPSTRM, we believe that you should only pay for the results you receive. As a result, we do not charge hourly rates for our services. Instead, our engineers will help define prioritised feature lists for your project and you will be quoted per feature. Typically, payment is agreed to be made via bank transfer. Having said this, other methods of payment may be negotiated as part of any agreed contract(s).

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